From Striving To Safety is a brand-new, 8-month small-group coaching experience for socially conscious entrepreneurs who want to repair developmental trauma, rewire their nervous system for success & connection, and run a nourishing business that creates change in the world–and to feel safe while doing it.

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As business owners, regardless of whether we are selling services or physical products, are offering potential transformation to our clients.

More than likely, the reason why we started our business in the first place is because we wanted to experience a transformation in our own life: a change in finances, a change in focus & direction, a change in schedule or location.

We probably all started our business because we wanted to live happier, more abundant, more aligned, more fulfilled lives.

And as socially-conscious entrepreneurs, we also hope that the changes that we ourselves, and that our clients, experience will ripple out to cause a bigger change in the community and dominant culture at large.

Not only is that kind of change possible, it is necessary.

There’s only one problem:

change of any kind is inherently threatening to the nervous system.

The legacy of developmental trauma is that our nervous systems have a very reduced capacity to be with discomfort of any kind, and the discomfort of change in particular.

In order to feel safe, a nervous system that is affected by trauma wants everything to remain the same.

It’s no wonder, then, that taking action in your business can feel so scary, even if you know exactly what the next step to take is, even if your heart has deeply desired this kind of change for as long as you can remember.

So many of us are stuck in this place: truly and deeply wanting change, knowing what to do to get there, but feeling stuck and not knowing why.

And so, in the absence of another narrative, we blame ourselves. We feel broken, and we feel shame. We’re convinced that there’s something wrong with us.

When we feel shame, we resort to striving: we try harder, we work longer, we invest in more programs and shiny new tech tools, we put our hopes in funnels and content calendars.

There’s nothing wrong with any of these things; in fact, we very much need them. But none of the tools and solutions that the business world offers can help us feel safe, can convince us that there isn’t something wrong with us.

You’re not broken, you’re just trying to do something new that your nervous system doesn’t recognize, so it doesn’t know that it’s safe.

And the solution isn’t more striving; the solution is repairing developmental trauma, and building your nervous system capacity to be with change.

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A business is an ecosystem of interwoven, interdependent relationships.

There’s the relationship that you, the business owner, have with your self & your body; the relationship you have with imagination & creativity; the relationship you have to time, schedules, and productivity; the relationship with clients, colleagues, and contractors or employees; the relationship you have with sharing, pricing, and selling your work; the relationship you have with money & success; and the relationship your business has with the community & culture at large.

each of these relationships holds the potential of being affected by developmental trauma, and also is an avenue in which repairing trauma is possible.

By repairing trauma, and replacing patterns of protection with patterns of connection, we can not only release you from the stuck places in your business, but changes in your relationships within your business will ripple out to your other relationships, your community, and the world.

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in from striving to safety, you will be held in community while you learn to repair the relationship with your self, your body, and your nervous system so you can be the kind of business owner who affects change in your own life, the lives of your clients, and is part of co-creating a safe & just world for all bodies.

And here’s how we’re going to do that:

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the relational business ecosystem

Each of the 8 months that we’ll spend together in From Striving To Safety will be devoted to one of the relationships inside your business. We’ll explore how each relationship has been impacted by developmental trauma, and how each relationship hold the possibility of repair.









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You will be introduced to the Five Survival Archetypes, each of which is a particular adaptive style of responding to shame & trying to meet our need for safety through striving. These archetypes develop in early childhood in response to our needs for safety & connection not being met by our early caregivers and environments. While we might relate to all five archetypes, we typically specialize in one or two. Being able to identify & work with our specific archetypes will help you recognize where you are stuck in your business, and guide you in the specific qualities that your nervous system needs in order to recover a sense of safety.

the doubter

“I don’t have a right to be here & I don’t belong.”

THE giver

“I have to take care of everyone’s needs but I don’t get to have my own.”

THE loner

“I can’t rely on anyone and I have to do everything by myself.”


“I have to be able to do it my own way or I won’t do it at all.”


“I put so much pressure on myself making sure everything is exactly right.”

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THE repair framework

For each of the relationships in the Relational Business Ecosystem, and specific to each of the Five Survival Archetypes, you will learn to apply the 4-step Repair Framework to help restore safety to the nervous system.

step 1: tracking state & sensation

“What do I feel?”

Noticing our embodied experience & nervous system states.

step 2: naming story & strategy

“What am I making it mean?”

Identifying our shame stories and the ways we’ve adapted to stay safe.

step 3: inviting agency

“Where can I affect change?”

Being in right relationship to responsibility.

step 4: savoring & celebrating

“How do I open to receive?”

Building our nervous capacity to feel good.

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Monthly S2S Lessons

A combination lecture, self-inquiry, and share circle exploring how we repair trauma & rewire our nervous system for safety in each of the relationships in the Relational Business Ecosystem.

Monthly Hot Seat Coaching

Each month we’ll go deep in exploring the issues that are showing up in YOUR business, and you’ll receive direct support & insight on what are the root causes of the stuckness, and how to build safety so that you can move forward.

Biweekly Coworking & Office Hours

In the weeks between live calls, we’ll gather together for coworking (which is the secret sauce of my business, and may become yours, too) as well as drop-in office hours where you can ask me anything–that way live support is available to you every. single. week.

Circle Community space

A safe, cozy space to give & receive support & witness, be celebrated for your wins & process, share your tender & ragey playlists, admire members’ plants & pet photos, and drop hot memes. Off of Facebook & Slack, and integrating seamlessly with all the course content, so we can all process the material together.

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the schedule


Friday: 6pm-8pm, Central Time

Meet & greet; business values & vision.

Saturday & Sunday: 1pm-5pm, Central Time

What is trauma?; Trauma & Business; The Five Survival Archetypes; The Repair Framework.


All the live calls (Lessons, Hot Seat, & Coworking/Office Hours) will be held on

Wednesdays from 1pm-3pm, Central time.

Only one thing to schedule; only one Zoom link.

Here are the dates for the rest of 2021 (exact 2022 dates TBD):

S2S Lessons*:

November 10th, December 1st

Hot Seat Coaching:

October 20th, November 24th, December 15th

Coworking/Office Hours:

October 13th & 27th; November 3rd & 17th; December 8th & 22nd

*The Kickoff Weekend will take place of the S2S Lesson for October.

**Except for the Coworking/Office Hours, all calls will be recorded and available in the course portal within 24 hours.

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$275/month for 8 months

this program is currently 25% full!


Add 8 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions with Fanny


$425/month for 8 months

This program is by application only. click on the link below to fill out your application. applications will be processed in the order they are received, and you will get a response within 48 hours.

I have dedicated a number of pay-what-you-can spots that are reserved for BIPOC, trans folks, and sex workers. if you’d like to claim one of those spots, fill out the relevant section in the application.


this program is for you if:

-You crave being seen & held in a brave community space.

-You want to do the hard work of excavating root causes of trauma & shame with other humans.

-You’ve been hurt in community spaces before and you’re ready to try again.

-You’re actively unlearning, disavowing, and healing from white supremacy, capitalism, cis hetero patriarchy, ableism, anti-semitism, evangelicalism, purity culture.

-You’re committed to a vision of justice & liberation for all bodies.


this program is not for you if:

–You identify with “love & light” and “good vibes only” culture.

–You are a white-bodied individual who is not already committed to the work of dismantling white supremacy.

-You like to debate & give your opinion on the lived experiences, rights, and humanity of folks who are different than you.

-You are unable to take responsibility for your own discomfort.

-You are unwilling to take accountability for any harm you may do.

-You are a covid denier and/or anti-mask.


this program may not be right for you if:


-You are actively experiencing acute emotional distress, as this group is not a replacement for therapy or medical care. We certainly don’t shy away from big feels and hard topics, but we may not be the best place for you to get the support that you need. If you’re unsure whether From Striving To Safety is the right place for you at this time, I invite you to reach out to me via my DMs on Instagram @the.trauma.witch and we can make that determination together.

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+ Is this space safe for me?

If you’re reading this, I want you to feel safe in my presence and in this program. I really, really do. My teaching and coaching is trauma-informed. I believe that all actions are an attempt at survival, and I do not pathologize or discriminate against addiction, self-harm behaviors, eating disorders, C-PTSD, and neurodivergence. And, I acknowledge that as a white, cisgender, able-bodied woman with class privilege, I have not experienced the same systemic barriers to safety that folks in Black, brown, trans, gender non-conforming, and/or disabled bodies have, and that as such, my actions may cause harm. I make no claim to experiences and expertise that I do not have. I do promise to be accountable, approachable, and teachable in the event that my words or actions cause harm and that, as a participant in this program, I do not expect you to bear the burden of my education. If you are unsure whether this program is for you, or whether I am a good fit for you as a teacher, I invite you to reach out to me at hello@thetraumawitch.com, DM me on Instagram, or book a time to get on the phone with me.

+ Is this program the right fit for my business?

This program is designed to best support newly established businesses that are in the growing stage. In order to get the most benefit out of the course material, it's best that you 1) already have your business set up, 2) know who you serve and what transformation you offer them, and 3) have at least one offer out in the world that has garnered some sales. Since this program is by application, the info you provide in your application will help me determine whether or not this is a good fit for you.

+ Will this program teach me about sales, marketing, offer creation, etc?

The short answer is no. This program is designed to help you determine what gets in the way of applying what you've already learned about sales, marketing, etc, and help you transform those patterns. That being said, all of these topics and more will be discussed within the scope of the program, but there won't be any specific hot-to instruction provided.

+ How much time am I expected to spend on course materials?

You get to decide! There is no attendance requirement for any of the calls; all calls (except for the Coworking/Office Hours) will be recorded and made available in the Teachable portal within 24 hours. That being said, generally speaking, you will most likely get more out of the course materials if you attend at least some of the calls live.

+ Do I have to complete all materials offered in the course?

You don’t! Feel free to use what works for you, and leave the rest. Everything is offered as a resource, and there is no expectation that members will make use of everything. You can tailor this experience to your own needs, and honor the fact that your needs and your capacity will likely fluctuate from month to month. The program is designed to meet you where you are without overwhelming you or adding one more thing to the list of shit you have to pressure yourself to get done.

+ What platforms is the membership hosted on?

All course material (audio, video, workbooks) will be hosted on Teachable. (Including replays of all the live calls.)

All live calls (the monthly coaching calls and practice circles) will be hosted in secure Zoom meetings.

Community connection, support, feedback, and inspiration will take place in the Circle community, where Fanny will also be available to answer questions & offer witness. The Circle community integrates seamlessly with the Teachable platform, and there is only one login for the course spaces.

+ Do I have to participate in the Circle community?

Not if you don’t want to! The Circle space is where most of the community interaction will take place, and Fanny will be answering questions and offering feedback in the group. But it’s entirely up to you whether or not you want to participate. That being said, one of the principle values the course is built on is that we don't have to do this business thing alone, so you will probably get the most out of the course if you choose to participate in a way that feels good to you.

+ How do payments & refunds work?

Monthly payments will recur every month on the date you first sign up and will end after 8 payments.

Due to the nature of the material, no refunds will be given for any reason once a payment is processed.

+ How does the 1:1 coaching work?

If you choose the option of adding 1:1 coaching sessions with me (there's only a limited amount of spots for these!) you will receive specific instructions on how to schedule those. The availability for these calls will be on Tuesdays & Thursdays, between 12pm-5pm, Central time.

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Hi, I’m Fanny Priest (she/her.) I’m a trauma repair & self-trust coach, a yoga therapist, and yin yoga teacher. I’m also a queer and polyamorous, a mama of two, a native French speaker, and a tarot witch. I love: trees, swimming, rainbows, watercolor paints, decaf coffee, baths, reading outside, 70s rock music, and you. I’m a Sagittarius sun. Cancer moon, Taurus rising, and a type 2 on the Enneagram. I am a NARM-Informed Professional, which is one of the only therapeutic modalities designed specifically to work with developmental trauma, or C-PTSD.

Over the last five years, I’ve helped hundreds of students and clients create safe space for their discomfort, repair developmental trauma, expand their nervous system capacity, and practice self-trust.

I believe that our bodies are the greatest untapped resources in our business, and that learning to trust & feel safe in our bodies is the best way that we can build businesses that actually feel good to run, and which will support us in serving our clients in ways that help them feel safe & seen. And that through our businesses, together we can co-create a world of justice & liberation for all bodies, one embodied entrepreneur at a time.

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